
Django Rest Backend

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Django Rest Backend

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What is this project about?

This is an Django-based Pokémon REST API. Your job is to fix 5 issues:

  1. Update /pokemon endpoint to include a Pokémon's type.
  2. Implement Get Pokémon by ID
  3. Implement Get Pokémon by Name
  4. Implement Get Pokémon by Type
  5. Implement Get Pokémon by HP (with Query Params)

Once you create a pull request with your changes, our automated test runner will validate your code to check if it is correct. No need for manual review!

Why did we create this project?

We built this project to help aspiring web developers get comfortable with backend web development in Django REST Framework. Our tasks simulate what we've seen in our 10 years of experience at our tech jobs. With this project we hope to help aspiring web developers gain the confidence they need to get better job offers and feel comfortable at their jobs from day 1.

To learn more about our motivations and about us please visit our website.

Our GitHub repository has more information on how to get started on about each issue.

What else do I get by buying this?

As soon as your work is done, please submit a pull request to the repository. Our automated tests will verify that you've completed the challenge successfully.

Stay in Touch

We also have a constantly growing community on discord, where you can talk to people who are also doing our projects, ask for help, get career advice from senior developers or simply hang out. Come say hello: https://discord.gg/7cAkUcKbjB

I want this!

You'll get access to the GitHub repository with codebase for a Django-based API and 5 issues for you to work through.

You'll work with a codebase similar to what you'd see on a real job
You'll build your confidence by doing the same work that devs in the industry do every day.
You'll solidify your backend Django knowledge
You'll apply the stuff you've been learning on courses to do real work.
We automatically review your code with automated tests.
You'll get automated feedback on your work. It is the same feedback that your team's automated tests would provide.
You'll work in safe environment
If you screw up, it won't be reflected in your performance review. It won't affect your promotion or your bonus. It's better to screw up here than on a real job.
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